On with the previous blog entry and you can imagine what my point of view as I have said repeatedly that I think the future is online.
In this sense, I think we Unipost workers, advanced at this time. We have several forums opinion, was born during a union strike cyber own blog this is a meeting point for all workers. Although participation in a minority now, I think in the coming years will grow as it did in the period of the strike in which we all threw ourselves into the net for news on either side of the country and the media communication. By Internet
get a junction and was born a special move from the Cibersindicato and then joined anonymous workers with the creation of videos on Youtube. Videos that are critical to the company's position in negotiations. Then came videos with what happened in the concentrations of strike, and many of them came accompanied by revolutionary soundtracks.
Therefore Unipost workers and we have achieved means that enhance our communication and ways of expression, we join the different geographical areas of the country and have created creative campaigns that match forces with the company.
So my verdict is a resounding YES to the FUTURE OF THE INTERNET IS IN LABOR.
In this sense, I think we Unipost workers, advanced at this time. We have several forums opinion, was born during a union strike cyber own blog this is a meeting point for all workers. Although participation in a minority now, I think in the coming years will grow as it did in the period of the strike in which we all threw ourselves into the net for news on either side of the country and the media communication. By Internet
get a junction and was born a special move from the Cibersindicato and then joined anonymous workers with the creation of videos on Youtube. Videos that are critical to the company's position in negotiations. Then came videos with what happened in the concentrations of strike, and many of them came accompanied by revolutionary soundtracks.
Therefore Unipost workers and we have achieved means that enhance our communication and ways of expression, we join the different geographical areas of the country and have created creative campaigns that match forces with the company.
So my verdict is a resounding YES to the FUTURE OF THE INTERNET IS IN LABOR.
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